THE LAST TIME, (2022) dir. Rinaldas Tomaševičius, 18′, Short, fiction, digital,

Cottbus film festival 2022, Main Award for the Best Short Film (source)
Grand Prix at the RojaL film festival ( Latvia, 2022);
presented at the Clermont Ferrand film fair at the Baltic stand (France, 2022);
nominated as the best short film in the National Competitive Program at the 15th Vilnius International Short Film Festival;
nominated as “Best student short film 2022” at the Lithuanian Film Awards’ 2022 “Silver Crane”.

Tadas, his pregnant girlfriend Grete, and his friend Robis live in an abandoned house. The couple decides to start a course of addiction treatment. Tadas twice implements a money-making scheme for starting this treatment. The friends decide to use heroin for the last time. This decision ends in Robis’ death and the money is taken away from Tadas by the police.

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